Pokemons lijst

  • Navigation menu
  • This is a full list of every Pokémon from all 9 generations of the Pokémon series, along with their main stats.. The table is sortable by clicking a column header, and searchable by using the .
  • Alphabetical Pokйmon Listings

  • This is a list of Pokémon in the order dictated by the National Pokédex, meaning that Pokémon from the Kanto region will appear first, followed by those from Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, .
  • pokemons lijst
  • A list of all Pokémon in the National Pokédex in Alphabetical Order.
  • Alphabetical Pokйmon Listings
  • Alphabetical Pokйmon Listings Each region's set of Pokémon starts with its own set of first partner Pokémon and their evolutions , going in order of Grass , Fire , Water ; the only exception is Unova, which begins with Victini , who is then followed by the first partner Pokémon.
    National Pokédex National Pokédex National Pokédex Alphabetical.
    Pardon Our Interruption Snow Warning Soundproof.
    Alphabetical Pokйmon List - .

  • This is an alphabetical list of Pokémon by their English language names. This is also the list order that is seen by the player in Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness in the .
  • Pokémon Pokédex: list of Pokémon with stats - Pokémon Database
  • List of Pokémon (sprites gallery) | Pokémon Database
  • List of Pokémon by National Pokédex number
    1. Pokйmon - National Pokédex Pokйmon This is a complete list of all species of Pokémon currently known to exist. Each Pokémon's entry on this list includes its number in the National Pokédex, its party sprite, its name, its .
      List of Pokémon - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia De beheerders van zijn op de hoogte en zullen beoordelen of de schermnaam voldoet aan de gebruiksvoorwaarden. Sluiten Ongepaste schermnaam rapporteren. Je .
      Pardon Our Interruption The Pokédex is a comprehensive database of Pokémon species, including their abilities, types, and evolution stages.
      From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Pokémon can be sorted by a number of different attributes.