Museum texel kaap skil

Museum kaap skil oudeschild texel

  • Museum Kaap Skil is a discovery voyage along Dutch maritime history, in which Texel played a central role. The goal: to pass on knowledge of this cultural history, to preserve it and to .
  • Museum Kaap Skil
  • Museum kaap skil op texel

  • Museum kaap skil oudeschild texel
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  • Museum Kaap Skil

  • museum texel kaap skil
  • Museum kaap skil fotos

  • Museum kaap skil op texel
  • Discover finds from the Palmwood wreck
    1. Stichting Texels Museum - Museum Kaap Skil | Museum Kaap Skil Merchant vessels, warships, whalers: they all anchored on the Texel Roads.
      Home | Museum Kaap Skil At Ecomare see seals and all sorts of marine animals very close up.
      Handelsschepen, oorlogsvloten, walvisvaarders, allemaal gingen ze voor anker op De Reede van Texel.
      Discover The Dress from the Palmwood wreck .
    Museum Kaap Skil .
    Museum kaap skil oudeschild texel .
    Museum kaap skil op texel .
    Museum kaap skil fotos .
  • More to discover
  • Dress up voor de voorjaarsvakantie