Ignore nederlands
Ignore in het nederlands
What is the translation of "ignore" in Dutch?
What is the translation of "ignore" in Dutch? | The content available on our site is the result of the daily efforts of our editors. |
Ignore nederlandse betekenis | When life gives you lemons… Fruit idioms. |
Ignore vertaling nederlands | When life gives you lemons… Fruit idioms. |
ignore - Vertaling Engels-Nederlands | . |
- IGNORE - Translation in Dutch - ignorar, não tomar conhecimento de, não fazer caso de Vertaler nodig? Ontvang een snelle, gratis vertaling!
- Ignore - vertaling Engels-Nederlands (inclusief voorbeelden) to take no notice of; to pay no attention to: “He ignored all my warnings.” buiten beschouwing laten (ww.) ; negeren (ww.) ; links laten liggen (ww.) ; nalaten (ww.) ; veronachtzamen (ww.) ; .
- IGNORE in het Nederlands - Cambridge Dictionary Nederlands: ignore⇒ vtr (pay no attention to [sb]) negeren ww overg. She is so annoying. I just ignore her. ignore vtr (pay no attention to [sth]) negeren ww overg. He ignored the requests for .
- Translations Vind alle vertalingen van ignore in Nederlands zoals negeren, passeren, wegcijferen en vele andere.