Bettina bock wageningen
- Prof. dr. ir. B.B. (Bettina) Bock | How to find us | University of Groningen Bettina BOCK, Professor | Cited by 3, | of Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen (WUR) | Read publications | Contact Bettina BOCK.
- Bettina Bock | Rural Sociology Wageningen University I am involved in research on the differentiation of the countryside, reflected in counterurbanisation and gentrification as well as population decline and marginalisation.
- BB (Bettina) Bock - WUR Bettina B. Bock email: @; b.b.@ Born 8 September (Cologne/Germany); Dutch nationality 1. Education & Professional Training .
- Verder naar: Bettina Bock. Once upon a time. It is almost 44 years since my first research project; it considered the position of women in non-academic positions at the University of .
Bettina bock rug
Bettina bock wageningen | . | BB (Bettina) Bock | . |
prof. dr. ir. B.B. (Bettina) Bock | . |
Bettina bock rug | . |